Wet Market

Happy Place, Happy Space

Many in Singapore still prefer visiting a wet market, as opposed to the supermarket, to shop for the freshest fruits, vegetables & meats.

In Singapore, wet market is so-called because people clean the floors with water after washing vegetables or cleaning fish, and thus it is often wet. However, a typical wet market is not totally wet. There are two sections in each wet market – the wet area and the dry area. Products such as meat, poultry, and fish are selling at the wet section while herbs, spices, grain, beans, dried noodles, and dried seafood are available at the dry area.


Many shoppers enjoy the relationships cultivated with stall-holders: the assurance they are getting the best value for their dollar. Also important, it is a community space for socialising after errands are done: a leisurely cup of coffee over breakfast, a chat with neighbours to catch up on the latest news,

“Wet Market” is the latest YC mural, tucked in an alley at 30 Temple Street in Chinatown.

So excited when I spotted it!

… the artist is ending the year (2021) on a massively impressive note after finishing a monumental three-storey mural on 30 Temple Street in Chinatown, where he used to live.

Time Out

The scenes depicted are reminiscent of the Chinatown street market from the 1970s-1980s.

Poultry Seller
Fishmonger (left), Vegetable seller (centre), Yong Tau Foo vendor (right), Butcher (back centre)

The artist, who is famed for being able to paint vivid details from his memory, also painted his mum twice in the mural”

Time Out

Both times YC’s mum appears is in the following Coffee Shop scene: the 1st is the lady running the food stall in the back right. The 2nd is at the front right, where she is the cashier.

Coffee Shop

From left: 1) Dried Goods Stall/Rice Dumpling Cart/Coffee Shop, 2) hair dressing, ear wax cleaning, 3) smoking ducks

After my first encounter with this magnificent work, I am set for a return visit to spend more time with the intricate details of story-telling. Stay-tuned …

🖌️ 🎨 🖌️ 🎨 🖌️ 🎨

Reading your Joyful Posts brings me to my happy place. I hope having them in one place makes it easier for you to find when you need a bit of happy therapy, too.

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🎨 🖌️ 🎨 🖌️ 🎨


  1. Feature photo is my contribution to SquareOdd hosted by Becky at Life of B. I had to take many parts of the mural from odd angles due to the height of the wallscape, and the narrowness of the alleyway.

2. This post is also my contribution to


  1. It’s my first time to know about wet market! Are the all paintings drawn on the walls of building? They look fantastic👀💕 And wow…it’s my first time to know there is an ear wax cleaner available at wet market😆


  2. The murals are simply splendid, as are your photographs of them. I can imagine your delight in spying them for the first time: I gasped and chuckled just looking at your photos!

    I also enjoy learning about “wet markets.” I understand shoppers’ preference for them. Our closest analogues are our farmers markets (more dry than wet, fortunately).

    Finally, thank you for your kind mention. I’ll tell my friend Jennifer that her story was read in Singapore!


  3. Ju-Lynn this mural is so full of life. The top part of it looks three-dimensional. It’s fabulous photography, but I’m so glad you told the story, too. Thanks for linking it to PPAC.


    1. Sharp noticing, Tracy – I believe this is set in 1970s, 1980s Singapore. The wet market in Chinatown is no longer in existence; so this work is all the more important as it pays tribute to the Chinatown when the artist lived here.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. HI, Ju-Lyn – These murals are fabulous. The longer I stare at them, the more incredible detail that I find. I love that the artist portrayed his mom in the murals twice. So cool!
    Thank you for the explanation of where the term ‘Wet Market’ came from. I’ve been to a Wet Market numerous times but thought that the term came from the fish, birds and fresh meat. Good thing I had not been asked this as a skill-testing question! 😀


    1. I am so happy to have you delight in the mural & its charms with me, Donna!

      You know, I didn’t know how the wet market got its name either – my Dad would be so tragicked as its one of his favourite haunts no matter where he travels.


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