The Changing Seasons, March 2024

Reflecting on the month past

Birthday Goings-On

As befitting Younger Child, we had many Birthday Month celebrations in honour of her 24th. This year she organised many on her own, plus a couple of surprises thrown in: one by us, and one by her grandparents. She was well pleased with our efforts.

Medical Matters

Doctor visits continued this month, some scheduled, another not so much. I had more wellness checkups and treatment for the left elbow bursitis. My sister (in Phoenix, AZ) and cousin (in Ipoh, Malaysia) unexpectedly landed up in the hospital at various times. And then, so did I.

I woke up after midnight from an indigestion-like discomfort. It intensified to an excruciating cramp-like pain which woke Loving Husband. Apparently I was doubled over complaining of upper abdomen and back pains, covered in cold sweat. I was also experiencing shortness of breath. He insisted on driving me to the Emergency Room.

I hardly had to wait at all and found myself in the ECG. While the test was being done, the cramping pain and the tightness in my abdomen & chest suddenly subsided. And that was the end of that pain for the rest of my hospital stay.

I thought I was well poised for a return home after further tests to rule out any emergent life-threatening issues. Unfortunately, because of abnormalities on the ECG, they decided to ward me to do further cardiac testing.

Waiting on more tests: I’m afraid peach is not my colour.

The bright side of this story is that I had 2 days to rest, read and meet some interesting folks. My heart received a clean bill of health; apparently the abnormal readings on the ECG were ruled out as concerns.. As for the source of the pain that brought me to the hospital, they suspect it could have been a gall-stone passing. I am scheduled to have that checked out by the Gastrointestinal Doc in a few months.

So very happy to be going home after 2 days of cardiac tests

Kitchen Shennaigans

Much of my time and energy has been diverted into researching/planning/making my meals. With the BP and cholesterol nudging towards the high, and with the addition of eczema and bursitis in my left elbow, I opted to manage my health by making better eating choices (less salt, less fat, less sugar) to avoid having to take medications.

With some trial & error, I think I am mostly in a good place with the food now. Although I have been mostly vegetarian for a long while, my weakness has always been fried food and desserts. I am trying to restrict those to special treats.

The unexpected hospital stay and the plethora of tests run included a cholesterol reading. Looks like whatever I am eating seems to agree better with me, because my total cholesterol is just touching the undesirable mark, and my LDLs (bad bad cholesterol) are within tolerance although a tad high. I still have more than a month before I have my “cholesterol checkup”, so there is time for the diet to do its thing.

Thank you for listening to my medical woes. I am afraid I have joined that club where each meeting begins with a listing of ailments. Oh well, we just do the best we can.

Frangipani Grove, Singapore Botanic Gardens

How was your March?

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly project where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. We all approach this slightly differently, though generally with an emphasis on the photos we’ve taken during the month.

For many of us, looking back over these photos provides the structure and narrative of our post, so each month is different. Some focus on documenting the changes in a particular project — such as a garden, an art or craft project, or a photographic diary of a familiar landscape.

But in the end, it is your changing season, and you should approach it however works for you.

There are no fixed rules around post length or photo number — just a request that you respect your readers’ time and engagement.

Tags and ping-backs

Tag your photos with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

Create a ping-back to Brian at Bushboys World or this post, so that we can update it with links to all of yours.



  1. Glad to hear the positives. Ending up in hospital is always scary. The diet looks good. Who needs cakes, anyway? Laughing… Wish you a healthy rest of the year.


  2. I am glad you are ok, and you will continue with both doctor visits and healthier eating. Sounds like they aren’t concerned about you continuing to run. That is a good thing as I am sure it settles your mind. But for now…yes…rest. And cook. What yummy foods you have been preparing. Stay well my friend.


    1. Your well wishes and positive thoughts are appreciated & received, Donna. I think all this is a just adapting to an ageing body & menopause. I am taking it day by day and in stride.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ju-Lyn, what a scare with your medical issues!! I’m so glad that the pain subsided and your cardiac test results came out well. Last November, my mother ended up in the hospital with the cramping like pain you got…she was in deep pain and the pain was unrelenting. It was her gallbladder, which she had to get removed.
    I’m so glad you were discharged without further treatment…whew, those gallbladder stones can wreak havoc.
    Happy belated birthday to your younger!! She looks so pretty and happy.


      1. Yes, my mother is okay now! She had her gallbladder removed. At the time the recovery was difficult because she has diabetes, but thankfully the doctors were able to help her recover with medication.
        My mom had no idea what was causing the intense pain and whew, it was scary. I’m so glad you are feeling better and that it didn’t progress into a surgery. I thought only kidney produced stones…not gallbladders.
        Each day of health is a blessing! Please stay well. 🙂


  4. I am glad your hospital stay ruled out anything serious. I have also been trying to eat better and make better choices. Your cholesterol level sounds similar to mine. I would love to be able to stay off of medication. I have a yearly physical in about 3 months. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Have a wonderful week.


  5. And, of course, you have the tastiest photographs and the frangipani is beautiful. I first thought it was rhododendrons. I bet they smell great too.

    When I wound up in the hospital, I expected it to be just like yours. Tests, maybe some changes in medication and/or diet and instead, it was a very big deal — and I had NO idea there was anything serious going on. I’m glad it wasn’t major big deal and I’m you are doing well. Better to get the check up and find out it wasn’t a big deal than to wait only to discover you missed something very important!


  6. Ju-Lyn, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Your healthier cooking dishes look amazing. I hope you get excellent results at your upcoming checkup. Happy belated to your younger daughter! Thank you for hosting #TheChangingSeasons.


  7. Diet is a great way to repair things and also have treats as rewards for being good and feeling well. Those dishes look ever so delicious.
    Amazing birthday drink for Younger Child and is that a chocolate muffin 😋


  8. So sorry about all the medical problems. Glad the results were good and that your numbers are headed in the right direction. So hard to stay on the straight and narrow with diet. Best of luck. And a very happy birthday to younger child!


    1. Thank you so much for the wellwishes & encouragment Laurie! I know you & Clif have been careful with your health and to that end, your diet, so I know you understand what I am going through. All for wellness & doing all the things we would like to do!


    1. I am learning much about the limitations of these blunt instruments. And yes, I am very relieved that my heart has been given the all good!

      Appreciate your encouragement re the kitchen experiments – mealtimes take so much more thought these days, but I take it as an opportunity to rethink what I am eating.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to know what your daughter is eating and drinking, particularly drinking. That looks so intriguing!
    2. Ugh. Gall stones! I’ve heard those are excruciating. I hope that really was it and that it’s over.
    3. Healthier eating to avoid medication sounds like a win, especially when your healthy eating looks so tasty! Good for you doing what you gotta do!


      1. Chocolate muffin, Iced Strawberry Matcha Latte at a cute little cafe called Usagi (Rabbit) Pan.
      2. I really don’t know. I haven’t had a recurrence, so hopefully no other little stones will feel inspired to leave the gallbladder, if that is the problem. Maybe the Gastro doc will shed some light when we consult in June
      3. It really is worth doing for me – when they say a med has possible side effects, it will likely happen for me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooof, you get the side effects? So sorry.

        Iced Strawberry Matcha Latte is going on the list! Right after the durian and ice cream sandwich with bread! After we’ve run past every church and art sculpture in the city! 🙂


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