The Changing Seasons, July 2022

Reflecting on the month past

July was preoccupied with The Covid: either someone in our household was testing positive, or recovering, and even after we were cleared to re-enter polite company, conversations seemed to revolve around one’s Covid experience & lingering after-effects.

Given all the personal stories we’ve encountered, we are extremely grateful that our experience was not scary or traumatic as some we’ve heard. All things considered, we will work hard to avoid catching another strain of the virus.

We have returned to a semblance of summer enjoyment, although we are careful to monitor our health as we continue to experience unexpected tiredness and general sense of unwellness, and in Loving Husband’s case, sudden coughing and difficulty in swallowing.

To conclude my wrap-up of the month, here are some of the goodies that have happened in our kitchen:

From top to bottom, clockwise: cold soba noodles with a yuzu dipping sauce, B&W pound cake, burger with black-eyed pea patty, selection of dark chocolate cupcakes from Younger Child’s baking date, walnut bread, 3-layered fudge made by Older Child, apple blueberry crumble, breakfast open-face sandwich with self-made baked beans, melon, Older Child’s rendition of Dory Greenspan’s updated Worldpeace Cookies, Oatmeal Loaf

Looking forward to catching up with your July.

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly project where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. We all approach this slightly differently, though generally with an emphasis on the photos we’ve taken during the month.

For many of us, looking back over these photos provides the structure and narrative of our post, so each month is different. Some focus on documenting the changes in a particular project — such as a garden, an art or craft project, or a photographic diary of a familiar landscape.

But in the end, it is your changing season, and you should approach it however works for you.

There are no fixed rules around post length or photo number — just a request that you respect your readers’ time and engagement.

Tags and ping-backs

Tag your photos with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

Create a ping-back to Brian at Bushboys World or this post, so that we can update it with links to all of yours.



    1. Appreciate your taking time to catch up with us through The Changing Seasons, despite your big move. Now that the boxes are all unpacked, hope you have time to breathe deeply and enjoy your new home!

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  1. I join everyone in wishing your family continued recovery. And I join everyone in saluting your cooking — and photography! I just tried, and taking an attractive photo of beautiful food is HARD. Good for you and your talented family.

    And I love the photo of Loving Husband resting on the park swing. I imagine him tipping back his head to enjoy refreshing drizzle.

    I send you warmest wishes!


    1. I receive your well-wishes with a joyful & grateful heart!
      thank you for your sweet encouragement – some days are easier than others, in the kitchen as well as on the photography front, and I am so glad to share my efforts.

      These swings are rather fun … squeaky but a throw-back to our childhoods.


  2. I’m so sorry about your bout with Covid. Many of my California friends are recovering as well. It’s a setback. We postponed our trip there for that reason. You are such a beautiful cook. Your pictures are so inviting and make me hungry as I’m looking at them at 3:15 am. I’d better go to sleep and dream about them instead. 🙂

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    1. You are so sweet & supportive of my kitchen endeavours – I feel so very encouraged.

      I guess we shall soon know more folks who have had Covid than those who haven’t – it just seems to be the way it is going. I hope you will make it out to CA soon to see you friends. Meanwhile, be well and safe.

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    1. I am so tickled that you enjoyed my kitchen escapades – your generous comment means so much. And I am very glad to have you join in The Changing Seasons!


    1. Fortunately for our household, no one lost their sense of taste or smell – nothing beyond what a cold or flu might bring. We are all mostly well now as well, so no complaints. Thank you for your well-wishes, Sandy!

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    1. Appreciate so much your kind words & encouragement, Donna. And for the well-wishes for August. The brush with Covid is inevitable, I suppose, so it is what it is. Hope your August is going well!


    1. I think you are right – more people we know will catch C than those who don’t. Hopefully, with all the vaccinations, we will all come through ok. Stay safe and well, Natalie – hope you are enjoying your August!

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    1. We are improving each day, although as Loving Husband has noted, the progression isn’t linear. We have more good days than not, so we are not complaining.


  3. I’m so sorry you’ve had such an awful summer. Maybe the worst is over! We haven’t had any rain since May and it is very VERY hot. We need rain. Anywhere in North America that isn’t having a drought is flooding. It’s pretty bad, too. I am hoping that there’s some improvement to our world very soon.


    1. There are lots of different recipes out there – I’m afraid I can’t recommend one as I just winged it. The black-eyed peas are particularly tasty & tender so the patties are really delicious!

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