rain, rain

Happy Place Happy Space

I love running in the rain: the coolness of the raindrops, the splishing of the puddles, the abandoned pavements. But perhaps not in the torrential downpours we’ve been having this week.

And just yesterday, flash floods. I do not like driving in rainstorms. Better to watch it from my balcony.


Reading your Joyful Posts brings me to my happy place. I hope having them in one place makes it easier for you to find when you need a bit of happy therapy, too.

If you would like to join in, ping back to this post and I will include you next week.


This post is also my contribution to


  1. I had to drive out during a heavy rainy day last year. Kept on fearing about car’s engine and getting stuck in the middle of nowhere but thankfully, reached back home safely.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with my challenge and apologies for checking it this late 🙂


    1. I don’t run long enough for the rainwater to dry off – but it must have been uncomfortable for you on long distance to have crunchy drying gear!


  2. I don’t mind running in the rain if I get caught out in it. I don’t think I have ever intentionally went running in the rain though. That looks like some heavy rain. Definitely better to watch from afar.


        1. It never used to bother me till I had a pretty dramatic tumble a couple of years – took me forever to heal up. So, I am more cautious now. No more leaping out for a run at the first sign of rain!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s been thundering for a better part of an hour again today …. but I’ve already finished my run this morning, so it’s staying home for the rest of the day, I think!


            1. I know you ride and trek a lot as well …. so that is a lot to fit into a week! I mostly just run, and have Japanese drumming class 2 evenings a week.


  3. Ju-Lyn, I love the sound of a tropical downpour, the scents raising from the ground! Rain here in England is often insipid, dull and plain annoying – give me drama of a real rainfall!


    1. Drama it certainly is! But you are right – rainstorms here are so sensoral & exciting!

      But we love the rain in the winter in the UK too … the varied grey skies, the stunning sparse winter trees, & the relief of stepping into a warm space out of the wet & cold!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s nice to be indoor, dry and comfortable, with a view and the sounds of rain outside. Is the vessel in your header photo for storing water? Thank you, Ju-Lyn, for the mention and for sharing this. #WeekendCoffeeShare


    1. I’m afraid the containers you see are unused “flower pots” – Loving Husband who is the Gardener for our balcony, loves to collect all sorts of receptacles to repurpose them as holders for his plants


  5. Maybe if it is very hot and the light rain is refreshing, sure, I like to be in it, but typically… and with rain like you had, NO! lol. The view from your balcony is good enough, don’t have to be in it. We had a surprise snow storm on Friday!


    1. Thanks so much for the affirmation Becky! I really liked the landscape photo because I wanted to try to capture the scope of what was going on. But I also wanted to have a Bright Square – so I thought the faded glint of the tarnished pot might qualify.

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  6. I’ve been watching an old (2013) TV series on Amazon called ‘Serangoon Road’ placed in Singapore 1964. One of the best things about the show, is how it recreates scenes in Singapore. Ever so often, a rain storm cracks open in background with rolling thunder and the steady drumbeat of rain. Much like you describe here.
    Have you watched the series Ju-Lyn? It was created by ABC & HBO Asia and was produced in Singapore.

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