river run

Happy Place, Happy Space

It’s been a challenging week on the health front: lots of medical appointments (Loving Husband, Younger Daughter) and mystery illness (Dad). Like many of us, I am not a huge fan of visiting the Doc, either as a patient or as a caregiver.

Nevertheless, I’ve had several happy runs this week, so I share one of those with you: along the Singapore River.

“Boy and his Dog” by Chern Lian Shan, viewing the Singapore River, with the MITA building in the background


Reading your Joyful Posts brings me to my happy place. I hope having them in one place makes it easier for you to find when you need a bit of happy therapy, too.

If you would like to join in, ping back to this post and I will include you next week.




    1. Thanks so much – we spotted it quite by accident as we turned around to look at something else. Otherwise, we would have run right by it being none the wiser.


  1. Dear Ju-Lyn — Such wonderful photos! I love seeing Singapore through your wondering and whimsical eyes. (And thanks for mentioned Fashioned For Joy.) I send prayers and healing energy to you and all you love.


  2. I love the mirror balls it has given me a great idea for a mosaic project. I have been collecting broken mirror bits from our local rubbish bin for a while. It is surprising how ideas translate


  3. ooh I was linked to this lovely post, but then didn’t see Squares listed at the end . . . still no matter. Thanks for linking, and sending huge hugs for you and your family. What a week


    1. It’s a new week, new excitement!
      We are all good. Dad was well enough to get his 2nd dose of the vaccine yesterday – yay! Diagnosis was vertigo – not very helpful, but the meds were.

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  4. Ju-Lyn, The mirror balls remind me of The Bean in Chicago. The Boy and His Dog sculpture is beautiful, too. Thank you for the mention and for linking up with #WeekendCoffeeShare. I hope your family’s health situation improves. Have a great week ahead!


    1. I looked up The Bean – it is huge! and yes, the mirror balls are much smaller, but there are a number of them and they allow reflection. But did I mention The Bean is ginormous???!!!! Thank you for connecting with these artworks – what fun!

      We are all good, healthwise. Dad finally went to the Doc – vertigo. No explanation, it’s just like that. But with meds, he was much better. He was even able to take part 2 of his vaccine yesterday so we are all very relieved. Thanks so much for thinking of us.


    1. Hoping for a better health week – Dad’s vertigo is tricky because he is scheduled for his 2nd Covid vaccination today. We are hoping he will be able to receive it.

      Thank you for appreciating our run route and those fun mirror balls!

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        1. Thanks so much Jez. Dad is much better and was able to get his 2nd vaccine shot on Monday, despite the excitement of the weekend.

          May I ask if your wife is able to prevent vertigo episodes, or is it just a matter of dealing with symptoms as they arise?

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          1. Awesome news for your dad πŸ˜ƒ If my wife is able to anticipate an attack, she is able to pretty much stop it in it’s tracks using this method she found on You Tube: https://youtu.be/mQR6b7CAiqk The first 20 secs or so of the video show non suffereres what vertigo is like, so don’t let your Dad see this part as it may trigger an attack. Susan says that he may need to do this about 3 -4 times a day when he feels an attack coming on; but it does work really well for her where other traditional methods don’t. Hope this is of use for your Dad 🀞


            1. Thank you so much Jez. I will forward this link to Dad – it will certainly be useful to try should this happen again. He is very perplexed as he has never encountered this before – he doesn’t even experience motion sickness!

              Please convey my gratefulness to Susan for sharing her expertise with us.

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  5. Sorry about the medical stuff – I hate going to the docs as well! Glad you got a good river run in – I was able to rum by the ocean this week, which I always enjoy. Great photos πŸ™‚


    1. Did you go up to Cape Cod this week again? Again, I am so amazed by your beach running! How are you feeling? Is it easier now that you’ve gone back to running for a while?

      Thank you for empathising with the med stuff – just one of those things, I guess. Makes the Smiles much brighter in contrast!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I was on Cape Cod. I have a house there, so I spend a lot of time – someday it will be my “full time” house…. Running has been good, I’m doing as good of a pace as I ever have and am going to extend the length a bit this week.
        A good way of looking at it – every life has ups and downs and the downs make the ups seem that much better πŸ™‚

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    1. It is a wonderful riverwalk! They have worked very hard to widen the walkways and make the area beautiful!

      Your eyes are very sharp! to spot Cavenagh Bridge in the mirror balls! I am super impressed.

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      1. That bridge is actually memorable haha! Me and my younger brother went there two years ago, and even bought ice cream sandwiches from the ambulant ah kong who usually sets up shop there. πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks so much, Lavinia! appreciate the good thoughts & prayers! He was feeling much better yesterday (managed to take the meds the Doc prescribed).


    1. Thank you for the good thoughts!
      And thank you for enjoying the reflection image – I love taking photos in front of these mirror balls … i think they are so fun & funny!

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  6. Praying for the good health of your family ✨ Have fun running and breathing fresh air. Keep safe and have a great day!


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