“Reduced to Clear”

Roundup of The Changing Seasons, August 2023

I have changed the way I shop for groceries. For one, I get the bulk of my weekly fruit & veg from my Rescue Grocer, TezzGrocery

Most of our home-meals are unplanned. I visit various grocery stores, usually while I am out on errands or on the way home from a run, and chance what I find.

“Reduced to Clear” are some of my favourite words. This Spotted Grouper Fillet was going for S$5 (original price was just under S$15).

Although I don’t typically cook fish, I know that Loving Husband & Younger Child love it. So I bravely picked up the sale item and called my Culinary Magician Mom.

After we spoke on the phone, Mom must have thought I sounded dubious and unsure because she sent the instrutions via whatsapp.

Traditional Teochew preparation for a fish of this calibre (according to Gourmand Dad: “don’t fry or bake because it will become dry!”) calls for steaming. No steaming apparatus on hand, the microwave is my friend.

My taste-testers were well satisfied. I have to take their word that it was delicious as I do not care for fish myself.

I enjoy the thrill of finding items on clearance and the challenge of devising a meal from what we get. I also like that we are helping in some way with food wastage. Does your grocery store have a “reduced to clear”? Is there anything you wouldn’t buy on clearance?

It’s almost time for The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is coming soon on 30 Sept 2023 (7:00 am, Singapore time). Hope you will join Brian and I for a wrap-up of September 2023 (follow this link to find out more about The Changing Seasons).

Thank you to those who shared their August 2023 with us:



  1. Your fish recipe looks delicious. I would never have thought of that. I love salmon, but other than that I don’t eat a lot of fish. I might if it looked like that! Thanks for linking up, Ju-Lyn. I’m going to link you to this weeks post on containers. 🙂


    1. Ah, Marsha, so sorry for this tardy response (won’t bore you with a long explanation about lost comments).

      I’m not a huge fan of fish so all these fishy experiments are for the rest of the family. Maybe they are being kind, but they say it’s good.

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    1. So sorry for this late response Amor – many comments got “lost” and am only finding them now. Urghhhhh

      I hear you about Cold Storage being expensive – actually, I find grocery shopping generally expensive now. As I have the opportunity to pop into grocery stores pretty often these days, I try to look out for discounted items which are tagged when they are close to expiration: Cold Storage and Marks & Spencers do this and I really enjoy picking up & trying new foods as a result (sometimes at 50% off)

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  2. Spotted Grouper can be grilled as well. I don’t cook fish either but love to have oven cooked tempura battered Whiting Fillet. An easy meal with salad or if super lazy chips 😂
    I am trying to get organised for Changing Seasons 😅


      1. That is for frozen store bought fish – “Ocean Harvest” or “John West” big company suppliers.
        With the Grouper, can be like you would in a pan or encased in foil with what ever sauce ie lemon, chili, garlic etc

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    1. I am delivering many many apologies for tardy responses today – for some reason, these comments fell through the crack and I am only discovering them now. Thank you for visiting my fish experiment!

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  3. Bravo for finding something so tasty yet frugal for your family’s supper. Yes, we have bins with clearance items at our grocery store, and I always look through them to see if there’s anything I want. Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. But it never hurts to check.


      1. I agree with Brian, that won’t have been your imagination. I think we tend to be more aware of smells we don’t like than those we do. My husband doesn’t like fish either and he’s often more likely than I am to notice and comment on a smell in a restaurant, for instance!


        1. Actually, if I might return to this whole conversation about food smells, even if I like a food, I don’t really want my apartment nor my clothes to be smelling of it after the meal.

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